Dr. Baldwin is the Clinical Practice and Assessment Coordinator and a Clinical Professor of Counseling for the Graduate Studies in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.

Courses that have been taught at Rollins College (2011 to Present) include:

CPY 515: Fundamentals of Statistics, Research Methods, and Program Evaluation

CPY 520: Group Dynamics and Process

CPY 535: Career and Lifestyle Development

CPY 540: Advanced Theory and Practice of Group Counseling

CPY 565: Individual and Group Assessment and Treatment Planning

CPY 602: Human Growth and Development

PSY 660: Mental Health Counseling Pre-Practicum

PSY 661: Social Justice and Advocacy Pre-Practicum

PSY 680: Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Setting

PSY 690: Internship I in Clinical Mental Health Setting

PSY 695: Internship II in Clinical Mental Health Setting

Course that have been taught at Stetson University (DeLand and Celebration, FL Campuses):

CSL 515: Statistical Analysis and Research Design (2 sections - Summer 2015)

COUN 515: Statistical Analysis and Research Design (2 sections - Summer 2016)